Below is a map of the current impact investing activity in Minneapolis and Saint Paul as of June 2016. For the purpose of this map, an impact investment is defined as an investment that seeks to create both positive financial return as well as positive social or environmental impact that is actively measured. This map has allowed our local impact investing community to understand the breadth and complexity of the impact investing activity in the twin cities as well as provide context to each organization how they fit within the ecosystem.
The Twin Cities Impact Investing Ecosystem Map divides impact investing into twelve different types of impact investments:
Each of the green nodes represents one of the twelve types of impact investment. The yellow, orange, and red nodes represent end users of capital, intermediaries of capital, and sources of capital respectively. An arrow pointing from an organization into a green node represents that organization making that type of impact investment. An arrow pointing from a green node to an organization represents that organization receiving that kind of impact investment. The green nodes are scaled by the number of organizations they are connected to.