Impact Investing Is Hot: Why Am I Worried?

ON January 10, 2018

Impact Investing Is Hot: Why Am I Worried?

Minnesota Council on Foundations

In this article for Minnesota Council on Foundation’s Giving Form I describe the challenges I see facing the field of impact investing.

After decades crying in the wilderness, I should be happy now that investing for good has hit the mainstream. Right? Mainly, I’m optimistic about the flood of philanthropically minded investors shifting their resources in pursuit of their mission, beyond the 5 percent customary for most foundations.
Perhaps it’s akin to sending your children off to college to live their independent, adult lives. I’m hopeful, but I worry.

As it moves into the mainstream, impact investing faces four threats: impact washing, insufficient diversity, lack of transparency, and risk aversion

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What I'm doing now

Smart impact investors see and invest in talent others overlook. For example, only 2% of venture capital funding flows to female-founded companies (2022 data, World Economic Forum). Does anyone think that makes sense on any level? Anyone? Let’s get beyond the tired debates and focus on investing in talent across gender, race, color, ethnicity, geographic location, and socio-economic status. We will all be stronger when talented people have a decent shot at growing their ideas and companies.